Annie Byrne

Jan 5, 20212 min

New Years Musings

Looking into 2021 and I'm really feeling like there is so much unknown, so much out of my control, so much that I cannot anticipate or plan for.

You may not know this about me but, I am a planner. I like to be in control. I like to know what is coming and plan around what is out of my control (because there is always a lot that is out of our control).

I think ahead while trying to remain present. I always know what I want and I'm working on making it happen but this year feels different...

Last year was a real lesson in relinquishing control and rolling with the punches of what what was thrown at us. We had to submit, be open-minded and fluid in our thinking. But somehow, when I think about starting a new year, I can't help but fall into old patterns of: thinking ahead, planning and trying to anticipate what this year is going to look like.

Although now, I have the knowledge and foresight that this year is, once again, different. As I try to look ahead and gain a clear vision not much clarity falls into the picture, it's like a blurry film strip of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'.

But I know this is my anxiety taking control, my auto-pilot brain trying to stay in control.

And so I remind myself that the unknown is not always 'bad'; that blurry can be beautiful and that I am capable of taking on anything that comes my way.

I have to ground myself within what I do know, rather than trying to grasp at control of what I do not.

And what I know is that life is full of challenges but through life's challenges we always have choices. In the wise words of Edith Eger: "Just remember,” she says, “no one can take away from you what you’ve put in your mind."

What I have in my mind is: my values; my strengths; my ability to ground myself and find calm; my ability to hold space for myself and others; my commitment to continuous learning & self-growth; and my resilience. These remain true and unchanging.

No one and nothing can take away what you have in the toolbox of your mind. Knowing yourself, knowing what you need & how to take care of yourself is a lesson of a lifetime.

So I urge you to invest in your mind this year, your sacred mind needs your love.
